
YouTube大匯集 (持續不斷更新)


(202) 特步國際向台灣證交所申請發行存託證

港交所刊登之全文 - Follower認為, 如短期內升至$7.3以上, 會趁機全數沽出股份.

每單位TDR 代表0.4股股份,涉5,000萬股公司將予發行之新股份,佔擴大後股本2.25%,以及5,000萬股售股股東 Carlyle Asia Growth Partners III, L.P. 及 CAGP III Co-investment, L.P.將予發售之現有股份。


TDR 發行亦須待台灣證期局審批後方可作實,集團亦將向香港聯交所申請批准新股份在香港聯交所上市及買賣,董事會尚未最終落實會否及何時推出 TDR 發行。


(201) 減持特步國際

眼見內銀及金融股下跌了不少, 正是沽強股、入弱股時間. Follower往往喜歡背道而馳.

昨天(星期四)當日高位$6.90減持3,000股特步至10,000. 留現金待$8.0左右買入交通銀行, 或/及$22水平增持友邦保險. 另文(200) 計劃增持/加入持股之股份.

勇者無懼. 尤其贏在別人唾棄時 -- 價值投資就會出現.

(200) 計劃增持/加入持股之股份

近日有blog友私人留言問Follower在有可能的大調整/跌市下計劃增持/加入什麼股票, Follower從來也不隱藏自己的投資組合及見解. 開估啦!

A - 計劃增持之股份:
1. $  8.00 - 交通銀行
2. $22.00 - 友邦保險
3. $  3.00 - 中航科工(重新增持)
4. $15.00 - 瑞聲聲學(重新增持)
5. $90.00 - 宏利金融
6. $  5.50 - 四環醫藥

B - 計劃加入之股份:
1. $  9.90 - 神冠控股
2. $  1.00 - 亨達
3. $  3.20 - 瑞安房地產

另有其他留意股份, 詳情可往 工作表內:


天下第一倉 東尼 (暫別)

天下第一倉 東尼

Dear Friends,
We must apologize for Tony's continued absence from his regular column. Having received many inquiries from his readers concerning his situation, we must apologize for not having updated his readers sooner. It is with deep sadness that we inform you that Tony will not be able to contribute to Next Magazine again in the foreseeable future due to a sudden illness.

You may be aware that our father had been meaning to cut back his commitments and embrace a more sedatory lifestyle suitable for a man of his years. Our father would love to be writing this letter himself to thank his readers personally for giving him such immense satisfaction and appreciation in his work. He would also be the first to remark that he feels as if his writings were becoming redundant and it was time to pass the baton to more 'in-tune' writers, though we know that he still has lots to offer.

Our father has been blessed enough to have committed his thoughts and ramblings to paper for over 10 years and even enjoyed the privilege of being a top-selling published author as well as distinguished columnist. We are humbled to have our father remembered so fondly by his readers.

Those familiar with Tony's writings will be aware of his long and storied medical history, and it is his health that is preventing him from addressing his readers personally. Tony has suffered a life-altering stroke that has significantly diminished his motor and cognitive abilities, he has shown tremendous improvement from the initial prognosis and we continue to pray for more.

It has been a rough trial for the old man, but he remains in good spirits and he is receiving good care. We ask for your prayers and thoughts as he slowly recovers, hopefully regaining all the capacity he has momentarily lost.

Our father is not immune to the inescapable clutches of age, and most people would agree that he has lived a full and colorful life. He has always been pleasantly suprised by the number of readers he has and loved meeting them in his day-to-day activities. We look forward to the day when he will be able to meet and address them once more.


Jenny, Patricia, Deborah, Paul and Mara Measor

東尼 Tony Measor


(199) 參與建設銀行供股 (月供供股問題)





Follower所用中銀月供之股票每月$50購入費用已包括處理"股東權益". 以往參與招行供股經驗亦沒有額外收費. 惟要留意,如果你有選擇額外供股而獲派發, 所收到之股票銀行則有額外收費. 如你不是用中銀月供, 請向你的銀行查詢詳細收費.


現另提供中銀供股版面, 以作參考, 方便說明.



七大內銀2023年全年業績 那隻最有投資價值?(2024/03/30)

七大內銀2023年全年業績 那隻最有投資價值?(2024/03/30) 今個復活節節期竟是這兩年7百多天內最清閒的幾天,花了點時間看罷七大內銀業績。 也在BLOG寫幾句略為分析跟大家分享一下。有跟開內銀的應也知道有關數據內容,有緣人且花點時間看看也下功夫做功課。幣值全指人民幣。 ...



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Sam (Follower)
